Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Put Your Dream To The Test by John C. Maxwell

John Maxwell poses 10 practical questions to readers in his book Put Your Dream To The Test. The 10 questions give the reader insight to their own dreams. Each chapter build upon the previous chapter to give the reader more clarity on their own dreams. Maxwell challenges readers in his first chapter to own their dream. If the reader does not own his own dream then the reader may need to consider who’s dream are they trying to fulfill. The ownership question sets the stage for answering the remaining questions presented in the book to follow and live your dream. The passion, cost, tenacity, and fulfillment questions asked from the book continues to challenge the reader to own their own dream. The questions ask if the reader is passionate about their dream, if they are willing to pay the cost to reach their dream, do the have the staying power to stick to their pursuit of their dream and lastly will they find fulfillment and satisfaction in reaching their dream. The book ends with a step by step process for the reader to map out their dream ownership to the fulfillment of their dream. This book is inspiring as well as challenging with tough question for readers to answer in pursuit of their dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! you got an amazing blog! Im looking forward that I can read this book. Maxwell is truly awesome! please care to visit my blog too: http://beautybehind.wordpress.com
